Updated: Nov 19, 2023
Fulfilling Soul Purpose
BYOP Newsletter
November 19, 2023

         We humans are wonderfully made.

         Those who pay close attention to such details say the body is one of seven layers/levels of the soul. The physical body is the innermost layer. It is the most compressed energy.

         The next layer out is the aura. Some consciously see the varied colors of the aura with their physical eyes. Others see them in their mind's eye. The different colors indicate different energy levels in the aura field. Many are aware we expand and contract the aura at will. Pulling it in may make others think we are not in their vicinity as they are used to seeing it even if only unconsciously. Expanding our aura makes us appear bigger. This writer regularly expanded her aura to include her vehicle when she first began driving without conscious awareness of doing so, to protect self and the vehicle. She still does.

         A human body is formed through the cooperation of at least three souls: the two parents and the soul forming the new body. Lack of cooperation for various reasons may cause a termination of the new body. Increasingly in recent times, there is external interference, most not so good, from fourth parties. The body is designed to provide a custom vehicle to accomplish the specific purposes of this incarnation. The parents are chosen by the incoming soul to provide the programming experience needed by the new body - soul - personality entity to accomplish the soul’s purpose in this lifetime. The new body has about seven years to learn how to act as an earthizen.

         The soul inhabits the new body gradually. This writer remembers an incident at age three viewed and recalled from the ceiling. The personalities of more than a few humans also do not fully reside in the body. Significant time is spent in the cranial area, in their heads. We have considerable leeway.

         Our Soul manages the body through our personality. The personality’s management of mind, ego, intellect, and the physical body is greatly influenced by its first 7 years experience. The role of the parents and others around the body is very important. Modeling how to be an earth human is the main way children are taught and learn. We copy what we see and hear.

         We come in preprogrammed. However, events may occur which modify the programming.

         Our purpose is to fulfill the desire of Soul self. One way of achieving this is to intentionally seek to do as Soul wishes. Meditation helps us to direct self. Practice makes it easier.

         This writer was encouraged to meditate in high school but received no explanation as to how until reading Edgar Cayce’s description of doing it. She recognized the method, then used it daily for 40 years, reaching a plateau where she can shift into an energy state in seconds equivalent to meditating for 15-20 minutes. She recalls similar shifting as a child which her father identified as “shift in center of consciousness”. This shift is from one chakra to another with a sensation of increase in physical size as a major indicator.

         Energy levels of different areas of our body are elevated by intending this. One way to raise energy levels is to see our self standing in a column of white light, absorbing the energy. This not only strengthens and heals our body physically, it also improves emotional and mental functioning.

         Functioning in the higher energy level is much easier. Decisions made at this frequency are automatically carried out without any further thought. Knowledge one is not consciously aware of may be accessed when a need arises. Life is easier, more balanced, more in harmony.

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